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Ripf protocol specifications

This is the RIPF protocol specification for people whishing to write software interacting with the RIPF services.
  1. The RIPF basis concepts

    1. Geolocated bulletin boards vocal message radio streams aimed at local news posting
    2. Requirement for using the service
    1. The server
    2. The clients
      1. The desktop client
      2. The web client
    3. The stations
      1. naming convention for <station ID>
      2. Stream adresses
        1. the web http option and burst VS continuous playback
  2. The API for writing a client application

    General note about API calls
    The server provides three URL endpoints for various API purposes.
    For the scope of this document we'll assume <server> is
    For any API call, an HTTP GET parameter of name "action" is mandatory ; it defines which API command is to be processed by the server.
    In any case, note the following :
      The API urls
    1. <server>/api/
      1. action GET param set to list
      1. action GET param set to info
      2. param[] GET param
        action GET param set to listeners NOT IMPLEMENTED
    2. <server>/upload
      1. action GET param set to upload
      2. radio GET param
        1. The POST params
        2. expire
        3. file news
    3. <server>/
      1. action GET param set to geoloc
          GET params
          Post params
      2. action GET param set to description
          GET params
          Post params
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